Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Little Help From My Friends

"Propulsion" by Diaspora

Procrastination. Quiescence. Hard to get past. Momentum. Propulsion. Hard to implement. Sometimes force is needed propel energy into motion. I'd like your help in encouraging me to step out of my comfort zone. To break my standard modus operandi. 

I wanna start on my projects for the Masters Registry. Part of my problem is that I can't decide where to begin. So I'll offer 5 choices, one from each category - and I'd love it if you'd proffer your opinion (is that the correct use of that word?).  The project that gets the most votes will be my first foray into this adventure. Here goes.

Construction - Syringe Project
Metal Clay with Other Materials - Combine Metal Clay with Steel
Miscellaneous - Stencil Process

I'll begin the process on October 6. Rosh Hashana. The Jewish New Year. A perfect time for new beginnings.  Actually Rosh Hashana ends on October 1st, but I'm taking a little creative license. L'shana Tovah to members of all the tribes of the world. And wish me luck on my venture.

Addendum: I've gotten some comments and notes to my personal mail about this post, and in case it wasn't clear, I want your help! Your opinions! Your suggestions on which project to start first. Pleeeease leave a comment.


Anonymous said...

That is very ambitious! By the end of that you are going to be one kick ass metal clay artist and technician. I say go for it! No time limit? You are going to have to make one or it could go on for years. So many projects! Whew, I'm dizzy.

I'm proud of you,

Vickie Hallmark said...

I'm very interested to see how you approach this, as I've been reading through the projects myself.

I've had a lot of fun lately with resin, so I'd probably pick that one to start. Alternatively, the simplest of the projects you listed seems to be the stencil process. That might be a good way to get into the flow.

Good luck!

The Dreaming Princess said...

Combine metal clay with steel Sensei! That's gangster right there :)

Shana Tova to you too.

Lora Hart said...

Hmm, two different opinions. For the slip/stencil thing I have to make the stencil myself. That means a sheet of metal and a saw. I'm not overly fond of piercing, but maybe that's why I should do it.

And steel? I have to find some interesting found something somewhere. I should start trolling the goodwill.

Thanks for the suggestions! Anyone else?

Susan Dilger said...

I like either the resin idea or the Combine Metal Clay with Steel. Two ways to look at it. Do one you're fairly familiar with, and you'll zoom through with all sorts of energy and momentum. OR, tackle a tough one, and while it may take a bit more time, once you "get" it, you'll have the confidence to tackle them all!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm a metal clay artist myself and an admirer of your work. The Resin inlay project is very appealing, along with the Brooch with Stilt Rivets project. It seems like you could really go to town with your imagination on either of those, so they would be top of my list.
I'm so glad The Masters Registry has been created, it is inspired and inspiring, and I hope you'll post photos of your finished pieces.

Cherylyn Gnadt said...

I agree with Kay. The Rivets and the resin seem to have so many possibilities. I have been using mixed media collage and resin in my pieces and loving it. Also rivets add the idea of moving parts and open spaces, with is equally appealing.
Have fun. I can't wait to see what you decide and the fruits of your labor.